Are your programs full time?
Yes, our Cosmetology and Manicuring Programs are full-time. The Cosmetology Program is 1000 hours, which is the equivalent to 7 months. The Manicuring Program is 400 hours, which is the equivalent to 12 weeks.
How many hours per week would I attend school?
All students attend 35 hours per week. We are open from 8:30-4:00, Tuesday through Saturday. Time spent in a classroom setting is approximately 5 hours per week.
When do classes start?
We have classes starting approximately every six to eight weeks.

  • FEBRUARY 8, 2022
  • MARCH 29, 2022
  • MAY 17, 2022
  • JUNE 21, 2022
  • JULY 26, 2022
  • AUGUST 30, 2022
  • OCTOBER 11, 2022
  • NOVEMBER 29, 2022
Must I attend an Orientation class?
Yes, orientation is a mandatory class. Orientation is held on the Thursday prior to the first day of class, unless otherwise arranged with the college. It is designed to facilitate transition to the Lawrence & Company College of Cosmetology and to familiarize new students with the organization and operation of the institution. During the orientation, students are versed on the mission and the tradition of the school, rules and regulations, study techniques, and academic standards.
Do I need to pay anything when I enroll?
Yes, you must pay the non-refundable Registration fee.
How much do your courses cost?
Cosmetology Cost
Tuition $14,000.00
Application Fee * 100.00
STRF * 40.00
Kit/Books 1,550.00
Tax 112.38
* Non-Refundable  
Manicuring Cost
Tuition $2,600.00
Application Fee * 100.00
STRF * 10.00
Kit/Books 965.00
Tax 69.96